Navi Buddy

Navi Buddy, the parking and navigation assistant to help users find spot in the crowd. Navi Buddy quickly guides you to nearby parking no matter the occasion or location. Traveling to a new city for the first time? Navi Buddy leads you through unfamiliar streets directly to available parking. Attending the college graduation of a loved one? Navi Buddy reserves your spot for you before you even arrive.

Huy Nguyen
Brittany Shirley
Saami Wally
Product Type

Design Research
UI/UX Design

User Interview
Competitive analysis
Journey map
Interactive prototype
Usability Testing


User & Design Research

User research helps us to understand our customers, determine their pain points, gain empathy, and inform our design decisions.
We conducted design research to understand our competition, identify gaps, compare designs, and better position our ideas.

Competitive Analysis

Once we had evidence to support that parking was a significant issue, we analyzed competitors who have attempted to create solutions. The four competitors we chose to analyze were based on amount of us in the public. Our analysis included interacting with the different apps and taking an immersive field trip to University of Texas at Dallas, University of Washington, and University of California in L.A. Here is what we found

Observed & Interview Users

We did a stakeholder map to take care the business needs. We created the journey map to take care of the users' needs + personas. Then we will focus on user research. We made empathy maps and stakeholder maps, and 12 different user interviews, and finally produced our persona based on this process. Make everything even so it looks like a picture frame

Journey Map

From our personas, we created a map of the user journey to find the greatest areas of frustration for our users. Overall, we identified over 15 pain points in stage 2--the search for parking, stage 4--the navigation to the appointment from the parking space, and in stage6--trying to find the vehicle after the appointment is complete.

Experience Design

User experience helps us to explore new ideas to solve pain points and overcome gaps. User research informed our design decisions. We generated big ideas and visualized them with storyboards, sketches, wireframes, and prototypes to test with our customers.


We as a team brainstormed over 30 big ideas based on our journey maps and users’ biggest pain points. We nailed it down to five key features and storyboard them

Workflow &
Low-Fidelity Prototype

Later we bring these idea into paper prototype and position them with the workflows for 2 main personas.

Interactive prototype

Our design has been developed and refined through sketches, wireframes and high-fidelity prototypes. We created over 80 sketches to expand our design options and invited some of our users to vote on them. Based on their feedback, we moved onto wireframes to quickly digitize our solutions and finally built interactive high fidelity prototypes in Figma

Usability Testing

Usability testing helps us to validate our prototype with real users.
We can determine how easy our solution is to learn and use. We performed a series of usability testing methods to get critical feedback from our customers to improve our design.

Next Steps

We plan to take our project to the next level and build a more comprehensive user experience